

2 Uppsatser om Nulägesanalys - Sida 1 av 1

Intelligenta hem : Nula?gesanalys fo?r en bra investering

Utvecklingen inom intelligenta hem med produkter som avser ljud och bild ga?r snabbt frama?t. Ett stort problem fo?r konsumenter a?r att veta vilka produkter som ska ko?pas fo?r att fa? de funktioner och egenskaper man a?r ute efter. Da?rfo?r ma?ste en va?gledning info?r inko?p go?ras.Fo?r att kunna go?ra en va?gledning info?r ett inko?p har en nula?gesanalys av produkter, tekniker och system gjorts.

En analys av sa?ljklimatet i komplexa business-to-business relationer : En utredande nula?gesanalys i kontrast till Insight Selling

The thesis aims to describe the current sales climate in the context of complex sales in business-to-business. The purpose is to increase the clients knowledge of sales and test the clients hypothesis that the sales climate is changing from Solution Selling to Insight Selling, further the thesis aims to contribute to the scientific debate of sales. Solution Selling is characterized, as the name suggest, by selling of solution to the customers needs. With Insight Selling the seller has a provocative approach towards the customer and the seller is searching for customers in the need of change. This is a qualitative study conducted with eight interviews and one focus group.